It's Hump Day (September 18) but thankfully no one seemed to notice that much. In fact, some stars didn't even realize it was September as they were busy filming a Christmas episode of their reality show. We'll just let that sink in a bit. For the rest of us, it's mid-September.
Today (September 17) babies were shown off, clone armies were amassed, buildings were climbed, pop-stars got lost and eyebrows were raised in vaguely threatening manners. Basically, just another day in the Twitterverse. Excelsior!
Today is Monday, September 16, but the world of Twitter is sadder than usual because last night's 'Breaking Bad' ripped out the hearts of all its devoted fans and stomped on them until they had no feeling left. Yes, some of Twitter is still crying about it, but not necessarily all of them.
Good news everyone, it's Friday the 13th! Also Yom Kippur. Or we suppose that's technically bad news if you're the superstitious type and/or you're Jewish and have zero interest in fasting for your sins. For everyone else it's just an excuse to get 'Friday' stuck in your head. And, you know, drink.
Today (September 12), Twitter crashed so there wasn't as much celebrity tweeting as we would have liked. Thanks a lot, fail whale. Still, the stars were able to get a couple of jokes in before social media was ruined for the day, so at least there was that.
It's September 11, which means it has been 12 years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a day the citizens of the United States promised never to forget because much like the North, America remembers. Cue all the celebs of Twitter tweeting their memories and honoring those who were lost.
It's Sept. 10 in the real world and on Twitter (imagine that!), and today the celebs were all atwitter about the worst twerking heard 'round the world, a viral video which turned out to all be one giant hoax. Many were fooled.
Monday, Monday, was it all you hoped it would be? Is that a rhetorical question? We honestly don't know because on Mondays we can't be asked to use our brains to their full capacity. Also, we're still reeling from 'Breaking Bad' like the rest of the celebrity Twitter world.
Happy Friday! Today (Sept. 6), stars were arrested, took tumbles, joined Facebook and shared all manner of things from their upcoming tours to their poetry to their album artwork. Basically, just your average day in the world of celebrities on the Twitters.
Happy almost Friday, everyone! It's still the Jewish New Year, so go ahead and keep on partying like it's 5774. Read: inside flying cars, which have to be invented by then. Twitter was a mixed bag today (Sept. 5), but there was a bunch of old man jokes and even some collaboration afoot.
According to the world wide web today is September 4, Hump Day, Macadamia Nut Day and the start of the Jewish New Year. So get ready to party like it's 5774! Anyone not celebrating those things is either talking to themselves, talking about their sex tapes or talking about the 'Dancing With the Stars' lineup. All valid talking points.
Happy Tuesday! Today (Sept. 3), kids went off/back to school, some famous people went off the market, the 'American Idol' lineup was confirmed, James Franco was roasted and swimmer Diana Nyad was the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida without a shark cage. Basically, history was made.
'Tis the first Monday in September (Sept. 2), which according to our calendar makes it Labor Day -- which means that kids have to go back to school and everyone else is banned from wearing white for an undetermined amount of time starting tomorrow.
It's Friday, August 30, and Labor Day weekend is fast approaching. In response, plans were made to cross-dress, eat like a champion and melt some faces among other things. Basically, the weekend is pretty much here, and thus Twitter was filled with much rejoicing.
Today (Aug. 29) on Twitter, celebrities spent the entire time talking about, well, each other. Whether they were gushing about a fellow star's awesomeness or making jokes with or about them, Twitter was full of celebrity interactions -- and sadly not enough Throwback Thursday pictures.
Today (Aug. 28) was the 50th anniversary of activist Martin Luther King's famed "I Have a Dream" speech. And some of the celebrities in the Twitterverse certainly took notice, while others were too distracted because their children had spontaneously combusted.
Much like yesterday, today Twitter would not stop talking about Miley Cyrus, but that's OK -- because at least Twitter was having an open discourse, albeit one that involved a lot of yelling. Tomorrow will probably be better. We hope.
Today's (Aug. 26) hot button Twitter topic is about one thing and one thing only, last night's Video Music Awards on MTV -- in which Miley Cyrus twerked onstage and twerked on Robin Thicke, and everyone was begging Billy Ray Cyrus for some help. Something tells us it won't do any good.
Today (Aug. 23) on Twitter, Kim Kardashian and Co. showed off the new addition of their family, North West, but everyone was too busy living their lives and discussing the Batman casting to care. You win this round, Royal Baby.