Max George of the Wanted Thinks Lindsay Lohan Is the Kind of Girl to Take Home to Mom
Despite constantly referring to Lindsay Lohan as a groupie and pretty much disparaging her in the press, Max George of the Wanted seems to have taken enough of a liking to her to introduce her to mum and dad.
Sounds like love.
TMZ reports that Lilo and George have been casually dating since back in November -- remember when she popped that psychic in the face and got arrested? That was pretty much their first date.
Lohan's been spending a pretty good chunk of her time lately in London (it's not like she's going to get much work after 'The Canyons'), and she hasn't been alone. Aside from partying it up with her own mom, equally hot mess Dina, she's been cozying up to George's too.
Sources say that La Lohan spent an entire day with George's whole family and that she felt "very at home." (Does that mean she trashed the place? Or stole a bunch of stuff?)
George and Lohan have been talking and texting constantly since that fateful night that she spent first boozing it up with him, then behind bars alone -- but it's not serious yet.
While George may have been "adamant" about Lilo hanging out with his folks, they're apparently not boyfriend and girlfriend. Maybe he's holding out for Taylor Swift.
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