Everyone on the ‘Anger Management’ Set Is Glad to Be Rid of Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan has finally jetted off to Brazil to attend her boyfriend Avi Snow's concert with his band, City of Sun. But not before angering yet another crew with her antics, with this month's victims being Charlie Sheen and the cast and crew of 'Anger Management.'
On the first day of shooting (Monday, March 25), La Lohan surprised everyone by showing up early and being generally agreeable during her guest starring appearance.
However, by the time she was done with her stint, everyone -- including Sheen himself -- was starting to learn what the crew of 'The Canyons' learned the hard way: Maybe working with the troubled starlet is more trouble than it's worth.
As an on-set source told E! News, "She was a colossal pain in the ass. It's a shame, because when she actually gets on camera she is good and has comedic timing. But she comes with so much luggage it's not worth it.”
Lohan was only scheduled to be on-set Monday and Tuesday, but ended up having to work a “couple hours” Wednesday too due to the delays she caused.
“From the moment she arrived [Tuesday] she did nothing but hold up the production," the insider said. "She would sit in her trailer and stall and she delayed until she up and left for her boyfriend's concert ... She held everyone hostage."
LiLo also allegedly made the cast "so pissed they almost called police to escort her" off the set.
In direct opposition to these claims, a source on Lindsay's team says Charlie Sheen was happy with her work and that anything to the contrary is completely untrue. Because reasons.
Lindsay herself was also happy with her work, at least happy enough to gush about its awesomeness on Twitter.
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