Chris Brown is having another pity party in JET magazine. This time, he wants the world to feel bad that he has a worse rap for beating Rihanna than Jay-Z has for hustling and maybe stabbing somebody. He's also expecting us to feel bad for him for having to juggle relationships with one of the most stunning and successful women on the planet (RiRi) and a gorgeous model (Karrueche Tran).
Hear that
Chris Brown has once again gotten himself out of his legal troubles, but this time around it was for something he actually didn't do. Specifically, he is not going to be charged for allegedly assaulting a girl at a nightclub.
After some of his neighbors raised hell, Chris Brown recently painted over the monsters he'd graffiti'd on the outside walls of his Hollywood home. But it looks like he found another (very expensive) canvas for his artwork: his girlfriend Karrueche Tran's $90,000 Porsche.
Recent legal victories aside, Chris Brown isn't 100% in the clear just yet with the long arm of the law. Now, because a judge believes that he didn't properly complete his community service as part of his probation after beating Rihanna in 2009, he has to complete 1,000 more hours of labor.
Chris Brown was facing some potential jail time in a hit and run case, in which it was alleged that he left the scene of an accident without giving proper identification -- which Brown denies, seeing as he complained on Twitter that he did indeed give her his driver's license information.
But because this is Chris Brown, and because he must have caught a leprechaun at some point in his life, his g
Chris Brown better be careful, because if lawyers and negativity cause his seizures, he may have another health problem on his hands soon. The 'Fine China' singer is getting sued over his brawl with Frank Ocean in late January.
Chris Brown suffered a seizure on Friday (July 9) in his recording studio, and he's now claiming it was brought on by his recent legal troubles and the fact that people have negative attitudes toward him.
Lil Wayne isn't the only musician that has to deal with seizures. Trouble magnet Chris Brown reportedly suffered a seizure at a Hollywood studio early this morning (Aug. 9) but refused treatment at the scene of the incident.
For a long time -- pretty much ever since he put a fist through Rihanna's face four years ago, lots of people have wished Chris Brown would go away already. And according to him, they just might get their wish.
(JK, they totally won't.)
Happy August! It is officially Aug. 1, which means you have one month left to get all your summer goals accomplished before September starts and we fill your days with repetitive Green Day jokes. You know the ones.
A nightclub attendee who claimed that Chris Brown assaulted her, tearing the ligaments in her knee, is now taking the singer to court -- even though she initially said she didn't want money and every single source (including the nightclub owner) claims she's a crazy person who's obsessed with Brown.
Chris Brown pleaded not guilty yesterday (July 23) to the hit and run case that caused his probation -- in conjunction with his 2009 attack on then-girlfriend Rihanna -- to be revoked.
Even though their inane fight over who got to date Rihanna injured multiple people and caused an untold amount of damage, a judge let Drake and Chris Brown off the hook because boys will be boys.
Kind of.
Chris Brown had his probation revoked today for possible violations after being involved in a hit and run back in May. While no criminal charges were brought, hitting a car and failing to swap information with the other driver was enough to put his freedom in danger.
Since, you know, being on probation requires a strict accordance with the law and all.
Just like Chris Brown doesn't care about his neighbors' kids, motor vehicle laws or Rihanna, his camp doesn't give a hoot about his poor marketability.
When a Canadian telecommunications giant pulled out of a huge radio concert following Breezy being added to the lineup, they ignored just what makes him so unappealing to advertisers and just ranted about how great he is -- completely missing the p