Call Oprah: Dina Lohan Drunk Dialed During Lindsay Lohan’s Therapy Sessions in Rehab
You know what's a good way to get kicked out your kid's therapy sessions when they're in rehab for alcohol and drug addiction? Calling in drunk.
That's what Dina Lohan did when she phoned Lindsay Lohan in treatment, and it worked out great!
TMZ reports that shortly before Lilo's birthday on July 2, her counselors thought it'd be a nice thing if she talked to her mom, Dina. However, when they got Dina on the phone, Dina sounded wasted, which isn't the healthiest thing for someone getting treated for alcoholism to hear.
As a result, Lindsay's rehab team blocked Dina from contacting the troubled starlet for the remainder of her stay.
Thankfully, Lindsay has at least one decent role model to help her out: Oprah, who Michael Lohan thinks will be her savior. Still, with a foundation this faulty, is it any wonder why Lindsay's often unstable?
Watch Michael Lohan Talk About Oprah + Lindsay