Kanye West Only Likes Paparazzi When They’re Quiet
Kanye West has had a rather tumultuous relationship with the paparazzi, whether he's yelling at them because he walked into a pole, or he's yelling at them for talking or he's yelling at them for wishing him a happy birthday.
However, as he demonstrated with paparazzi in Paris this week, to not have Kanye West yell at you, all you have to do is be quiet.
This hypothesis was put to the test not once, but twice. Although to be fair, the second time he got a little miffed when a local wanted to know who he was. Still, points for trying.
It could also help that West is currently being charged with criminal battery against a member of the press, resulting in his recent avoidance of paparazzi at LAX.
Although it won't help his prior problems as prosecutors want to show the jury a compilation of West's various paparazzi attacks throughout the years.
The only question is, what music will they use for the montage? May we suggest 'I Am A God'?
For his part, unlikely voice of reason Chris Brown gave West some advice about all this nonsense on Twitter, telling him in a since deleted tweet, "Hire some security or some street n--s to take care of the bullsh-- so u not explaining Yaself."