Selena Gomez’s Pals Pretty Much Hate Justin Bieber
The PR teams behind Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez may be stoked that they're reunited (it distracts from all the legal issues and lackluster live performances), but the Disney starlet's pals are less than pleased.
“Selena’s friends are furious that she’s giving Justin another chance,” a source told Radar Online.
The source added, "They've been spending a lot of time together, secretly, over the last couple weeks. But nothing is official between them."
As for that Instagram pic? “Selena didn’t know Justin was going to post that picture on Instagram and squirmed when he did," the source admitted. "Posting it was his way of marking his territory again and showing her who wears the pants, but ultimately he just wants to keep her happy so he immediately deleted it.”
The insider said Gomez's girlfriends are urging her to back away from the Hammer pants enthusiast, but to no avail.
The source said, “They've been trying to warn her that he’s no good for her and that she should stay away from him, but she just loves the attention he gives her.”
And, let's be honest: She probably also loves the attention that he gets her, too. Especially when she has an album and a tour to promote.
Don't be fooled, though. It's a symbiotic relationship, too: Her squeaky clean image, in turn, can help polish Bieber's recent tarnishes.
“If you’ll notice, Justin has been on much better behavior since he started seeing Selena again,” the source pointed out.
“Being with Selena is good for him, but her friends are adamant that he’s bad for her.”
Of course, things that are bad for you almost always taste the best. If that's the case, Bieber must be made of pie. Mmmm, pie.