Oprah Is Totally Fine With Terrence Howard Loving Her Tig Ol’ Bitties [VIDEO]
Oprah's co-star in the upcoming film 'The Butler,' Terrence Howard, recently had a few choice words to say about his sex scene with her, and most of those words involved her giant rack and how much he loved it.
Some people found his comments crass and insulting -- but Oprah wasn't one of them.
“To be able to make out with Oprah, to have love scenes with her and those tig ol’ bitties … she’s such a lovely, voluptuous woman,” Howard said of her fun bags.
Surprisingly, Oprah was good with it. “You know, some people called me saying they were all offended, but I go well, you know what? I do have big breasteses!” she admitted during an upcoming interview on 'The Steve Harvey Show.'
As for her and Howard's on-camera interlude, she added, "It was supposed to be like a little scene, and because Terrence misbehaved it turned into a bigger scene, and then a bigger scene."
Her full interview with Steve Harvey will air April 26. If Terrence is lucky, maybe she'll return the favor by talking about the enormous size of some of his body parts.