You’ve Heard the On-Set Horror Stories, Now See Lindsay Lohan in ‘The Canyons’ Trailer [VIDEO]
Following months of drama, Lindsay Lohan and James Deen's masterpiece (we guess) 'The Canyons' finally has a trailer. And boy, is it ... a trailer!
It's unclear what's going on in the film, but it appears to be a commentary on the lack of a "private life" in modern Los Angeles. Oh, and there's sex, so there's that.
Paul Schrader described his experience with Lohan on set as a mess of "tardiness, tantrums, absences, neediness, psychodrama" -- but there's a reason for that.
Schrader explained to Film Comment that Lohan "feels she must be experiencing an emotion in order to play it. This leads to all sorts of emotional turmoil, not to mention on-set delays and melodrama."
Still, Schrader wouldn't have chosen anyone else for the role, and went along comparing Lilo to her idol, Marilyn Monroe. "I think Lohan has more natural talent than Monroe did, but like Monroe, her weakness is her inability to fake it," he mused.
"Monroe and Lohan exist in the space between actors and celebrities. People whose professional and personal performances are more or less indistinguishable," he added. "We call them 'troubled,' 'tormented,''train wrecks,'but we can't turn away. We can’t stop watching. They get under our skin in a way that controlled performers can't."
Lohan's Monroe-like star power, though inarguably fading, was why Schrader refused to give up on her. "All the drama, the mishegas, all the stress, that means little," he insisted. "A director can shoot around misbehavior. He can't shoot around lack of charisma."
They apparently can also shoot around a helluva lot of fillers. Linds, you're 27. Put down the cigarettes and Restylane and moisturize.