Amanda Bynes + Her Eating Disorder Insist You Use Her Super-Flattering Selfies In Stories About Her
Amanda Bynes doesn't want you using photos of her unless she took them herself in the bathroom of a Tim Horton's. Why? Because she has an eating disorder, of course.
(You're not still trying to make sense of what she says, are you?)
We probably should have seen the signs. Especially when she was telling magazines she wanted to weigh 100 pounds. Nobody out-thins the Olsen sisters, Amanda. Nobody.
Still, the actress took to Twitter to explain her beef, writing:
Of course several outlets ran the story with pictures of a disheveled Bynes imposter wandering New York.
But because yours truly grew up with Harriet the Spy, this story was filed with an official, Amanda Bynes-approved photo. Of her looking disheveled in a bathroom.
You're welcome, Amanda.
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