Amanda Bynes Can Rest Easy: David Spade Thinks She’s Hot [VIDEO]
The world may be hard on Amanda Bynes, but not David Spade. In fact, he may be a little hard for Amanda Bynes.
The comedian and occasional actor told TMZ, "I'm scared of Amanda Bynes!"
He doesn't necessarily think she'll do him harm, but was concerned that she'd call him "ugly" on Twitter if she found out he said anything about her. (On the bright side, that would put his name out there again, so maybe it's a good thing.)
But no need for him to worry, because Spade thinks if you strip Bynes of all her crazy -- and all of her clothes -- she's a 10 anyway.
"If you cut out all the 'stuff' ... she's technically, for all intents and purposes, very pretty, she has great boobs -- but I think she's getting in her own way."
Notice, if you will, he never mentioned her hair. Which gets in her way plenty.