Say what you want about 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo' and its subject family, but they clearly all adore and appreciate one another. Case in point? The wedding of Mama June and Sugar Bear on the season finale, which brought many a tear to an eye, both redneck and white collar alike.
Much like Jennifer Lawrence before him, actor Johnny Depp has admitted he not only watches the TLC show 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo,' but he also likes it.
Maybe that's because it hasn't caused him any car accidents yet.
Never one to change their lifestyle because they're making bank on reality TV, 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo' matriarch Mama June got married this weekend in redneck style. And by that we mean "in a camouflage wedding dress with bright orange accents and rainbow colored flowers."
'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo' matriarch Mama June Shannon was all glam when she appeared at the 2013 GLAAD Media Awards -- but it wasn't a done-up reality show star she reminded us of, but rather a certain overdone secretary on 'The Drew Carey Show,' Mimi Bobeck.
After being reprimanded by the Girl Scouts of America for selling its famous cookies to her fan base online, Honey Boo Boo switched to selling the overpriced but delicious treats the old-fashioned way: at the mall with handmade signs.
Someone should really call Ryan Gosling. He might be in for a few hundred boxes himself.
Honey Boo Boo is going international, with the television show set to air in Australia, the Netherlands, Italy and Latin America. We can't wait to see how words like "y'all" translate into other languages, or how other countries will start to assume we all think spaghetti sauce is ketchup and butter.
The stars of 'Honey Boo Boo' are known for their questionable dining choices. From roadkill to spaghetti with ketchup and butter to shortening-coated turkey, they aren't exactly the healthiest of families.
Yet by some miracle, this influx of cholesterol-filled, diabetes-enhancing food stuff didn't stop Boo's mom, June Shannon, from losing 102 pounds over a two-year period. All without exercise.
If you’ve seen television or the internet even for just a moment over the last year, you’re probably aware of the child beauty queen Alana Thompson – better known by her self-proclaimed nickname Honey Boo Boo Child – and her very proudly redneck family.
One member of the clan is Alana's gay uncle, Lee Thompson, whom she calls Uncle Poodle. It's hard enough being gay in rural Georgia, but now Thomp
Say what you will about Honey Boo Boo and company, but despite the fact that they may cause celebrity car accidents, think ketchup and tomato sauce are the same thing and are convinced that vegetarians can't eat mayonnaise, they may be smarter than you think.
Case in point: Family matriarch Mama June has wisely set up trust funds for all five of her children/grandchildren.
Adam Levine recently said Honey Boo Boo was a factor in the “decay of Western civilization," and nothing bears that out more than the fact that her show and others like it have led to the popularity of so-called "hillbilly porn."
We didn't even know such a thing existed. And now we're wishing for those halcyon days of innocence.
Despite being a coach on 'The Voice,' which makes amateur singers perform in a boxing ring while Cee Lo Green shows off his exotic animal collection, Adam Levine has gone on record saying it's actually Honey Boo Boo who carries the weight of society's downfall on her tiny little shoulders.
Damn. First she's blamed for car wrecks when she wasn't even there, and now this happens. Sister can't catch
She's been blamed for many things, and now Honey Boo Boo is apparently responsible for movie stars' car wrecks, too. At least that's the story Jennifer Lawrence gave Jay Leno on Monday night.
Last week, we showed you the ray of sunshine that was Christopher Walken cold-reading lines from 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.' Now Mama June and the Boo herself get a little revenge -- by rattling off some of Walken's most famous dialogue.
The stomach-turning redneck family that provides all kinds of “entertainment” in the hit TLC show ‘Here Comes Honey Boo Boo’ has divided our country in a way the politicians could never even hope to do: You either hate them, or you just love to hate them.
Or, if you’re Christopher Walken, you don’t even know who the hell they are -- but you can do dramatic readings of their conversations like a p
Anderson Cooper is a cultural watchdog, but who's tasked with keeping the silver fox in check? Why, Honey Boo Boo, of course. It's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it.
Watch out -- you may be about to have a guilty pleasure, can’t-turn-away-from-the-trainwreck sensory overload. The world’s most outspoken drag queen made an offer to the world’s most outspoken child beauty pageant queen, and it may be an offer she can't refuse.
As the matriarch of the Kardashian clan (no, I won't spell it with a K and you can't make me), Kris Jenner knows a thing or two about exploitation. After all, she's been milking her family for fame and fortune for years.
So when she reportedly slammed the mother of the 7-year-old reality star known as Honey Boo Boo for doing the same thing, it was most assuredly an expert opinion.