Sarah Silverman’s Dad Calls Out a Rabbi For Besmirching His Daughter’s ‘Honor’
Sarah Silverman can sometimes be raunchy and outspoken, but that's part of what makes her so entertaining. That is, unless you're an Orthodox Jewish rabbi. Then perhaps you’d rather Ms. Silverman just piped down already and started popping out young'uns like she’s supposed to.
Recently, Rabbi Yaakov Rosenblatt decided Sarah should stop making unladylike political statements -- what, ladies don’t have political views? -- and start using her girly bits to make closed-minded babies instead.
Silverman recently set out on a ‘Let My People Vote’ campaign, and Rosenblatt, intimidated by her squeaky doll-like voice, is so outraged by her use of Biblical rhetoric in the resulting viral video that he sent the 42-year-old comedienne an open letter that included bon mots like, “in my opinion, Sarah, that is why you have had trouble forging a permanent relationship – the most basic desire of the feminine soul.”
Before the Jewess could fire off a delightfully vulgar video reply, her father entered the fray in the comments section of the posted message, where we learned the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree. Daddy Dearest refers to the religious leader as “Rabbi Idiot” and even instructs him to take his “false god and shove [it] up [his] judgmental ass,” concluding, "You don't [eff] with my family."
Looks like someone’s gunning for a diamond-studded yarmulke for Father’s Day.