Harry Styles Tweets + Skypes With Cancer-Stricken Fan, Then Plans Tattoo In Her Honor
Harry Styles, you light up our world like nobody else.
The One Direction singer made a cancer-stricken fan's entire life, and basically ensured his angel wings for the afterlife.
The Times-Tribune reports that Taylor Swift's least favorite curly-topped crooner reached out to a fan named Kelcey Hallinan of Dunmore, Penn., after a campaign launched on Twitter to have Hazza post a message for the lymphoma-battling teen ... and it worked! Diligent Directioners got Styles' attention with the hashtag "#harrytweetkelcey," and the 'Best Song Ever' singer wrote to Hallinan:
But that's not all.
Styles also took the time to Skype with the 18-year-old, who was so excited that her mom reports her oxygen actually had to be adjusted! Moving further, Styles plans on getting a ribbon tattoo as his next piece of body art in support and honor of Hallinan. Are you teary yet?
Hallinan had arrangements with the Make-A-Wish Foundation to meet Styles in person, but unfortunately, she won't be well enough to meet the heartthrob in the flesh. On the bright side? Hallinan went from 500 Twitter followers to over 16,000, with Styles, Katie Couric and the LiveStrong foundation among her base.
We wish Hallinan the best in recovery and treatment -- and we bet if you didn't love Styles already, you adore him now.