Kanye West Might Name His Next Album ‘I Am God,’ and Pretty Much No One Is Surprised
There's a little rumor floating around the internet claiming that Kanye West's next album will be titled 'I Am God.' Which, if it's true, would probably shock exactly no one.
BBC News says the title is at least “half tongue-in-cheek.”
Meaning half of it is meant in jest -- as in, “Lol, remember all those times I compared myself to the Messiah?” -- and the other half is all, “No seriously, I'm Jesus.”
Of course this is a guy who regularly spouts lines like, “I'm like a tree, I feed the branches of the people.” Oh, and don't forget this gem: “God chose me. He made a path for me. I am God's vessel. But my greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live."
West also recently posed as the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro with his baby-mama Kim Kardashian and landed the cover of Rolling Stone in 2006 with his head adorned with a crown of thorns (see the terrifying photo of that stage right).
Really though, we don't think any commentary about this whole matter could top what Questlove had to say on the subject...