James Franco Thinks Zach Braff’s Kickstarter Is Obnoxious, Too
When multimillionaire Zach Braff started a Kickstarter to fund a new movie -- which would have been picked up by a production company had he not insisted on starring in it -- he garnered the ire not just of John Q. Public, but also of Morgan Freeman. Add another name to the list of eye rollers: James Franco.
There's a twist, though: Franco is getting donations for one of his own projects. What gives?
Well, when Franco does it, it's different.
"I'm not doing this for my own project," Franco told Back to the Movies. "I'm not using my celebrity to get money for a project that I'm going to direct." No need for SPF, everyone. Plenty of shade to go around here.
"My intention is not to go on Indiegogo and ask people to donate money that will then eventually go into my pocket," Franco insisted. Any money the movies make will go to "a charity I care about a lot."
He added, "This is really to give a chance to talented people that deserve it but maybe wouldn't have the opportunity to otherwise."
Read: "I'm not being greedy like some other jerk is, because my begging is for a good cause."
So far, Braff's Kickstarter has been more successful than Franco's IndieGogo project. Franco nabbed a little over $176K, while Braff is sitting pretty on $3 million ... plus however much his movie will eventually make.
Sour grapes or cynical realism? We'll see when Franco's campaign ends July 17.