Charlie Sheen Defends His Doggie Doo Plan
It's only been two days since Charlie Sheen urged his legion of Twitter followers to throw dog poo at his 9-year-old daughter's school. Since then, it's been revealed that she hasn't even attended the school since May of last year.
But Sheen's tiger blood is still boiling.
Sheen tells TMZ that Viewpoint School in Calabasas, Calif. should "be ashamed" for protecting the bully and trying to bury the incident. Or, in other words, not winning.
But Viewpoint says they investigated the incident immediately after it happened and took the appropriate steps.
Charlie let his anger build in the months following, and it culminated in his Twitter call to arms. "There's no statute of limitations on bullying," he said.
He also stands firm on his dog defecation threat, saying Viewpoint needs "a visual reminder not to forget the epidemic of bullying."
The alleged bully in question, whom Sheen outed in his tweet simply as "Victoria," is still an object of his disdain. "9-year-old!!!" Sheen screamed about his daughter. "How about the 9-year-old who is harmless and sweet and was just trying to make a friend?"
And now that Viewpoint has beefed up security on school grounds, perhaps another solution is in order here: dogs attached to balloons that could then poop on the school. (Hey, don't put it past him.)