Actor Josh Duhamel, husband of pregnant pop star Fergie, was on 'Live! With Kelly and Michael' today (July 17) and revealed the sex of their baby in a rather unorthodox way -- co-host Kelly Ripa held up blue and pink onesies, and Josh had to pick one.
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of her hit song 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun,' the cast of Cyndi Lauper's Tony-nominated musical 'Kinky Boots' arranged a musical tribute, complete with a whole bunch of famous faces lip-syncing to the '80s classic.
For over a decade, Kelly Ripa co-hosted 'Live!' with Regis Philbin (after filling the impressive but wobbly shoes of Kathie Lee Gifford). But these days, Kelly and Reeg aren't the closest of friends.