That's one way to finish!

A Philadelphia couple, who were reportedly "getting busy," had their private time interrupted when their 2020 Range Rover reportedly ended up in a local river — with the two still in the back seat.

According to local news outlet NBC10, the lovebirds were doing their thing when one of their limbs accidentally hit the SUV's gear stick, causing it to roll into the Schuylkill River.

The frisky couple were able to escape the sinking car with no injuries.

The luxury vehicle was reportedly rescued from the river Thursday morning.

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Despite what is sure to be a jarring memory, the handsy duo aren't facing any legal ramifications.

The Schuylkill River has seen its fair share of action lately, with a separate vehicle ending up in the body of the water on Aug. 16.

According to Fox29, a fisherman "witnessed a car at high speed slam on its brakes and throw it in reverse," eventually backing into the river.

After watching the crash unfold, the man called authorities and ran to see if he could help anyone that could be inside the four-door sedan.

"I got halfway into the water, I got waders on, so I couldn't go under the water, or I would have sunk," the witness, who goes by Anthony told the outlet.

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Upon arrival, police located the black BMW. Rescuers found no passengers inside the automobile despite all of the doors being locked.

The Philly Police Department is still investigating the bizarre incident.

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Gallery Credit: Erica Russell

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