Beyonce Got Her Hair Caught in a Fan And Still Performed Better Than Your Faves [PHOTO, VIDEO]
Beyonce got her hair caught in a fan onstage.
Did she panic? Did she fall? Did she scream, yell, curse or ring the alarm? No. She kept on singing.
While belting out 'Halo' in Montreal last night (July 22), Beyonce got her long honey-colored waves caught in one of the stage fans designed to blow her locks around -- not lock her in place.
As stagehands and assistants tried to pry her pretty hairs out of the fan, Queen Bey maintained her reign and kept right on singing.
When it was all over, she posted an Instagram shot poking fun at the incident, because on top of being a professional, she's got a sense of humor:
Bow down, bitches. Bow down.