Mila Kunis

Sexiest Woman Alive
Sexiest Woman Alive
Sexiest Woman Alive
Congratulations, Ashton Kutcher, you're banging the hottest chick in the world -- at least according to Esquire magazine, which just named Mila Kunis the Sexiest Woman Alive.
Before They Were Famous: Mila Kunis
Before They Were Famous: Mila Kunis
Before They Were Famous: Mila Kunis
Before being named Esquire's Sexiest Woman Alive, Mila Kunis played a demure lass in Aerosmith's 'Jaded' video, which tells the story of a girl who's lost touch with both her feelings and reality. Kunis was already a regular on 'That 70's Show' when the video was released in 2000, but her name wasn't a familiar one outside of that until the success of the 2008 movie 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall... R
What Would You Do if You Were Stuck in an Elevator With Mila Kunis?
What Would You Do if You Were Stuck in an Elevator With Mila Kunis?
What Would You Do if You Were Stuck in an Elevator With Mila Kunis?
That question in the title could be a question in some sort of sadistic ice-breaker game -- to which our answer would be "pass out cold" -- but it was actually something 10 people had to think about in New York on Sunday when they really did get trapped in an elevator with Mila Kunis. (Tell-all books should be out soon.)