Thanks to a New Law in Hawaii, Steven Tyler Has the Freedom to ‘Walk Around Naked’
Stars can now vacation in Hawaii without fear, since the new "Steven Tyler Act” -- which protects celebs from the paparazzi -- was passed by the Hawaii State Senate on Tuesday (March 12).
The law, spearheaded by the Aerosmith frontman, specifically gives stars the right to sue over unwanted photos and videos taken of them.
Tyler was spurred to take action when photos like the one on the left were taken in Hawaii (where he has a vacation house) without his knowledge last January.
As he told Billboard, "[In Hawaii], they are allowed in with their lenses and they get the most intimate of shots, which is what they are really looking for to make money. Not on my watch!"
"They chase my kids and get in the way of traffic. We almost got in an accident and so before it happens, you want to do something about it," he added. "They're just looking for a taste of blood. They're not gonna get it."
His bandmate Joe Perry thinks the law could eventually spark similar action on the mainland, too.
"The great thing is now that it's passed, people can bring it to the courts in other states," he said. "It's going to snowball I bet because it's not just a problem in Hawaii. It's here. It's there. It's everywhere."
With Tyler jokingly adding, "Now at least Joe and I can go to Maui and walk around naked in the back lawn and write some crazy songs."
Thank you, Steven Tyler Act, for at least sparing us from seeing those photos.