Lady Gaga Is Sporting More Junk in Her Avant-Garde Trunk
New shots of Lady Gaga from her Born This Way Ball tour have popped up online, leading to much speculation that the normally fitness-obsessed singer has packed on the pounds.
Is it all the cuisine she's enjoying while touring in foreign countries? Is she less interested in working out because she has a hunky actor boyfriend? Is she drinking her calories in the form of too many post-show cocktails?
Well, we don't exactly know since we don't have a backstage pass to the tour (you can't exactly bid for those on eBay). But Mother Monster recently said that she has cut back on her alcohol consumption, even though she is an admitted and avowed whiskey connoisseur.
She's also given up snorting coke, which is known to keep those pesky extra l-b-s at bay.
While the photos do depict a curvier-than-usual Gaga with thicker thighs, it's not like she's saddled with cankles or popping out of her meat dresses -- so relax, cows of the world. She won't need more of you to cover her freshly-ample curves.
But it seems she can't win -- it wasn't too long ago that everyone was worried she'd gotten too thin.
Maybe these latest shots had bad lighting. Maybe there were horrible camera angles. Maybe Gaga had a rare moment of humanity and simply added a few pounds to her frame (staying in shape is hard work, after all).
Or maybe she was just wearing a particularly unflattering cut of beef.