
Monstrous Behavior
Monstrous Behavior
Monstrous Behavior
Being that Lady Gaga is a huge gay icon and advocate for equality, you'd think her fans would be thrilled at another star supporting her pet cause. And they are. Except when that star is Madonna.
After a long stay in what many considered to be a glass closet, the now openly gay Anderson Cooper is being honored by the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (more commonly known as GLAAD) -- and none other than Madonna.
Madonna is already getting the hang of this Instagram thing. She only just recently opened her account and she's already posted a shot of her heaving bosom -- and now her ass cheeks, too. Let's hope she doesn't see Rihanna's page and feel the need to compete. This could get ugly.
So 2000 and Late
So 2000 and Late
So 2000 and Late
Madonna may not show the signs of aging on her impossibly taut face or bod, but she does show it in how she interacts with fans. Case in point: She joined Instagram like, just now.
Prince of Wails
Prince of Wails
Prince of Wails
You already knew Prince was kind of an adorable weirdo, but specific oddities about the Purple One popped up in a recent Billboard interview that will either leave you scratching your head, wanting to high five him, rolling your eyes -- or any combination thereof. The TLDR version: Prince hates Madonna, old people, cover songs and when reporters take notes or record things. But he totally loves hi
Least Influential
Least Influential
Least Influential
Barbara Walters may have her generically boring 'Most Fascinating People' list for 2012, but to us, GQ's 'Least Influential People' list is a lot more interesting. Favorites include failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney, vehicular danger Amanda Bynes, palate destroyer Guy Fieri, the hilariously titled "Whoever Directed John Carter," and perennial Oscar host Billy Crystal. Congratula
Madonna Is Psy-ched
Madonna Is Psy-ched
Madonna Is Psy-ched
Madonna, the matriarch of pop, invited adorable living meme and K-pop sensation PSY to perform what will most likely be his lone hit, 'Gangnam Style,' at her Madison Square Garden concert on Nov. 13.
Madonna Votes With Her Body — Photo of the Week
Madonna Votes With Her Body — Photo of the Week
Madonna Votes With Her Body — Photo of the Week
As President Obama spoke at the Democratic National Convention in North Carolina on Thursday, Madonna was on a different stage -- the one at Yankee Stadium in New York. And while she was there, she made her feelings for the POTUS perfectly clear.