Jessica Simpson

Womb with a View
Womb with a View
Womb with a View
Pretty much everyone already knew that Jessica Simpson blew her deal with Weight Watchers by getting herself knocked up again mere minutes after shedding the weight she gained from her first pregnancy earlier this year. But for those of you who didn't know, now you have your confirmation.
Of Course Papa Joe Made Himself Sole Beneficiary of Jessica Simpson’s Life Insurance Policy
Of Course Papa Joe Made Himself Sole Beneficiary of Jessica Simpson’s Life Insurance Policy
Of Course Papa Joe Made Himself Sole Beneficiary of Jessica Simpson’s Life Insurance Policy
It's not easy to be Jessica Simpson: Sure, she's wealthy and gorgeous, but she has an underemployed groom-to-be, a Weight Watchers contract that's not going to work out so well and no real grasp of how the reproductive system works. Now she also has a dad who's really hungry for her cash, to the point of potentially depriving it from her fiance and baby.
Style Breakdown
Style Breakdown
Style Breakdown
Jessica Simpson presents a style conundrum. When she's on, she is on. But when she has a fashion blunder, it's bad enough to make national news. She has some serious strengths and heads a massive fashion empire that includes clothes, handbags and shoes -- but one might wonder how it can be worth $100 million when Jessica herself can't consistently dress herself well.
Knocked Up
Knocked Up
Knocked Up
The interwebs are ablaze with chatter that Jessica Simpson -- who just seven months ago birthed her first baby -- is "accidentally" knocked up again after a sperm apparently tripped and fell into one of her eggs. At first we were all "doesn't she know how how babies are made?" and then we remembered who we're talking about here so never mind.
Dieting Is Easy
Dieting Is Easy
Dieting Is Easy
Jessica Simpson lost 60 pounds post pregnancy, and it's all thanks to Weight Watchers. And her nutritionist. And her personal trainer. And her dietician, private chef, personal assistant and personal assistant's personal assistant. But, you know, mostly Weight Watchers.
Jessica Simpson Looks Like a Non-Gestating Woman Again
Jessica Simpson Looks Like a Non-Gestating Woman Again
Jessica Simpson Looks Like a Non-Gestating Woman Again
Remember a few months ago when Jessica Simpson was pregnant and she did the thing that celebrity women are never ever supposed to do and got kinda, how can we put this, well … fat? You don’t want to say it, but you were thinking it too. We know. She was. But not anymore.